

Information given on this website is generic in nature and does not constitute any kind of Insurance advice.

Wealth Junction Consultants Private Limited., will endeavour to update its software/tool at its website www.mypolicyjunction.com as and when needed. However, information can change without notice and Wealth Junction Consultants Private Limited, reserves the right to update, modify or change any content without any notice, whatsoever. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate however; individuals are encouraged to do their due diligence before buying Insurance.

Employees, partners and associated staff of MyPolicyJunction are not responsible for any loss, damage or harm that may arise from the utilization of data from the portal.

It is important to understand that insurance is a subject matter of solicitation and market risks. It is the responsibility of the customer to understand the limitations of insurance policies and the risks involved, and under no circumstance, form or manner, do we take any liability in such cases. We also recommend you to please read the subject and offer documents carefully. The information provided on the portal is for insurance purposes.

We are acting only as a facilitator and claim acceptance or rejection is the sole discretion of the insurer.

Wealth Junction Consultants Private Limited, its directors, shareholders, officers and employees and www.mypolicyjunction.com are in no way responsible to or liable for any one for his/her investment decision, and every prospect/ investor/policyholder shall be solely responsible for the consequences of his/her decision.

Wealth Junction Consultants Private Limited is a Corporate Agent (Composite) Registration Code: CA0690 ISNP Permission Ref: IRDAI/INT/ISNP/2021/97 Dated: 02/07/2021.